Featured Alumni: Ayaha Kanno
Interview date: April 13th 2020
Ayaha Kanno is from Fukushima City, and is an alumni of the TOMODACHI Summer Softbank Leadership Program. Since her first exposure to TOMODACHI in 2017, she has remained active in the community and come into her natural role as a leader through participation in various programs but one in particular helped her test out her leadership style and gave her the ownership to implement her ideas. In 2019, Ayaha served as one of the TOMODACHI Alumni Regional Leaders of the Tohoku-Hokkaido Region where she organized two events: the first one focused on the issue of food safety from the angle of farmers, local government officials, and peers. The second one was an event supported by Calbee to come up with new product ideas that highlighted the needs and interests of the community in Fukushima. She also participated in the TOMODACHI KaoLINK Fukushima Rebranding Program to learn about how scent and emotions are closely tied and how it may help bolster Fukushima communities; and the TOMODACHI Global Leadership Academy to learn about civic engagement and global leadership. Ayaha graduated high school in 2020 and plans to study international relations and business.
Q1: Hello Ayaha, thank you for taking the time to talk about your TOMODACHI experience. Jumping right in, how was your experience in the United States? What was the most surprising thing and the most challenging?
Q1: あやはさん、今回はTOMODACHIでの経験を共有するためにお時間をいただきありがとうございます。早速質問に入ろうと思いますが、米国でのプログラムに参加する中で、驚いたことや困難だったことはありますか?
The most challenging thing was having discussions with my teammates who used a lot of unfamiliar foreign terms and shared a lot of negative opinions. In the first week, I tried to keep a good distance from those people, especially those who expressed their opinions very strongly. But I soon learned that everyone has different opinions and it is important to accept them. We cannot move forward with discussions by denying each other’s opinions, so I tried to accept others as people who have different ideas. I would not be able to learn about this if I had not gone through this challenging time.
Q2: Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds like you gained a lot from the three-weeks of stay during the program. After participating in your first TOMODACHI program, you decided to participate in many alumni programs such as the TOMODACHI Generation Global Leadership Academy (GLA), the TOMODACHI KaoLINK Fukushima Rebranding Program, and the TOMODACHI RISE Leadership Program. What was your goal? What were you aiming for?
Q2: ありがとうございます。3週間、米国でたくさんの学びを得たのですね。TOMODACHIで最初のプログラムに参加したあと、TOMODACHI世代 グローバル・リーダーシップ・アカデミー2018やTOMODACHIふくしま香LINKプログラム2018-2019、そしてTOMODACHI RISE リーダーシップ・プログラムなど、たくさんのアラムナイ・プログラムに参加されたようですが、そういった中で何を得たいと思っていたのでしょうか。
I have a couple of reasons why I participated in so many alumni programs but the biggest reason was because I could meet other alumni and people involved in the program, and learn many things. While I participated in many alumni programs, I always had a feeling that I gained so much but hadn’t really given back. I realized that there were many alumni who served as Regional Leaders under the TOMODACHI RISE Leadership Program so I went to listen to what they were doing. I found that this program could be an opportunity to utilize my previous experiences and form an event to give back to my community. By combining what I learnt through the many TOMODACHI programs I took part in during my high school years, I decided to apply to become a Regional Leader under the TOMODACHI RISE Leadership Program and give back to my region.
たくさんのアラムナイ・プログラムに参加した一番の理由は、アラムナイやプログラムに関わる方々と会えること、そしてそこからたくさんの学びがあることです。私はアラムナイとして数々のプログラムに参加させていただきましたが、自分はいつも学ばせてもらってばかりで恩返しができてないと思いました。そのとき、自分の周りには地域リーダーをやっている学生が多いと気づき、TOMODACHI RISEリーダーシップ・プログラムについて話を聞きに行きました。これまでの経験が生かせて、自分のやりたいことを形にできる機会だと思い、高校生活で経験してきたことの集大成として地域リーダーとしてRISEプログラムに参加し、地域に還元することを決めました。
Q3: I see, it is great you give back to your community by utilizing your past experiences. My next question is a bit different from the previous one: What's an example of a way you were able to be a cultural ambassador between Japan and the United States?
Q3: そうだったのですね。これまでのプログラムで得た経験を生かして地域に還元するというのは素晴らしいと思います。次の質問はちょっと方向を変えますが、もしあやはさんが日米の文化大使となれるとしたら、どのような例になれると思いますか?
If I was a cultural ambassador, I would like to create a program like TOMODACHI from the beginning and plan a cultural exchange event. I would also like to get to know lots of “influencers” such as Instagrammers and YouTubers because I believe that these kinds of people are the most influential. If the program I created became well-known, I would be able to let people know about the friendship between Japan and the United States. If more and more people join the program, the hurdle to join will be lowered and the number of people who are interested in the U.S.-Japan relationship would increase.
Q4: This is my last question: What does TOMODACHI mean to you?
Q4: 次で最後の質問になりますが、あやはさんにとってTOMODACHIとはどんな意味ですか?
Possibility. I think TOMODACHI is a collection of possibilities, but one needs to add their own efforts and take responsibility for their actions. It’s up to you whether to take initiative or end it as a one-time opportunity. [In the TOMODACHI community] when you want to take action, you're able to connect with others and find role models. Because of this, I think TOMODACHI is the "heart of possibility".
Thank you for taking time today! It was very nice to get to know you deeply and listen to a lot of your stories.
No problem! Thank you for featuring me. Please feel free to reach out to me if there are any questions. Thanks for your time.
TOMODACHI Alumni Highlights - Interviews
Ayaha Kanno - Additional Questions
April 30th 2020
Q: I heard that you were interviewed by Singapore TV in February 2020 about your activities as Regional Leader of the Tohoku-Hokkaido Region in 2019. Can you tell me more about it? How did you feel when you know that your activities will be known not only by TOMODACHI alumni but also by foreign viewers too?
Q: 2019年にTOMODACHI RISEリーダーシップ・プログラムに参加し、東北・北海道地域の地域リーダーとして務めたあやはさんですが、そのときの活動について2020年2月にシンガポールTVにインタビューされたと聞きました。それについて、もっと聞かせていただけますか?あやはさんの活動が、TOMODACHIアラムナイに限らず、外国の視聴者にも知られると知ったとき、どう感じましたか?
The reason why I was interviewed by Singapore TV was because Singapore restarted importing foods from Fukushima that used to be banned. They featured me for my role as the Regional Leader of the Tohoku-Hokkaido Region under the TOMODACHI RISE Alumni Leadership Program because I focused on the issues related to food in Fukushima. It was my honor to be chosen for this opportunity. I hope that my efforts as a regional leader can be delivered - not only to the people in Japan - but to audiences abroad and make an impact.
As for being interviewed, to be honest, I was nervous. I personally think that I am not a person who likes to be the one to stand out, but I think I am better at supporting these people from the shadows so I get nervous to be featured as the main person.
Q: I see. You have participated in various alumni programs and actively engaged as a Regional Leader. How did you prepare for the shoot while you were nervous? Any secret tips?
Q: そうだったのですね。あやはさんは、様々なアラムナイプログラムに参加していて、地域リーダーとして第一線で活躍していますが、そんな風に不安な中で、どのように撮影のための用意をしたのですか?地域リーダーとしての活躍を伝える上での裏話があれば教えてください。
I was advised a lot by Ms. Kaoru Utada, Director of Partnerships & Programs at the U.S.-Japan Council. She used to work in the media industry for many years, so every single advice she gave me was helpful. As for being tense, I did my best to overcome it with my guts.
Through this interview, I wanted to give back to the local farmers of Fukushima who helped me a lot during the Welcome Event that I organized in May 2019. When I served as Regional Leader of the Tohoku-Hokkaido Region, I wanted to tackle the issue of the marred reputation of the food in Fukushima that occurred after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. When I planned my event under this theme, many of the local farmers of my region helped me by sharing their voices with us that I recorded on video. The participants who attended my event in May were able to learn about this topic by watching the video and having a meal together that used the local ingredients provided by the farmers I interviewed. I think I was able to achieve my goal thanks to them. So in this opportunity with Singapore TV, I wanted to give back to these farmers.