Koki is an alumnus of TOMODACHI Summer 2014 Softbank Leadership Program a speaker of the U.S.-Japan Annual Conference in 2016. Check out his interview below!
Koki Yamamoto
Koki Yamamoto is originally from Namie, Fukushima Prefecture. He is an alumnus of the TOMODACHI Summer 2014 Softbank Leadership Program. He participated in the U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference held in Silicon Valley, California, in 2016 as one of the alumni speakers, and shared his feelings toward his hometown and his thinking at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. He is a graduate of Toyo University in Tokyo and majored in Regional Development Studies. After graduation, he returned to Namie to start working at a local construction company. He knew there were few young people living there, but was shocked to see the reality. However, the situation motivated him to open a bar called Sachi where youth can come and spend time together.
福島県浪江町出身。TOMODACHI Summer 2014 Softbank Leadership Programのアラムナイ。2016年には、TOMODACHIアラムナイとしてカリフォルニア州シリコンバレーで開催された2016年米日カウンシル アニュアル・カンファレンスにスピーカーとして登壇し、震災当時の心境や浪江町への想いを共有しました。東洋大学国際学部では、国際地域学を専攻。大学卒業後には浪江町に戻って地元の建設会社に就職しました。実際に浪江町に戻ると、同年代がいないことを知りつつもその現実に直面してその深刻さを実感しました。しかしその実感から若い人、主に同年代が集まるための場所を作るために飲食店「Bar 幸」をオープンさせました。
July 20, 2020
Interviewed by Ayaha Kanno, alumni intern at TOMODACHI Initiative, alumna of TOMODACHI Summer 2017 Softbank Leadership Program.
聞き手:TOMODACHIイニチアチブ アラムナイ・インターン 菅野采颯(TOMODACHI Summer 2017 Softbank Leadership Programアラムナイ)
(English Follows Japanese)
Q1 幸輝さんは、TOMODACHIサマー2014ソフトバンク・リーダーシップ・プログラムに参加してから、TOMODACHIのアラムナイとして活動してきたと思いますが、最初に単刀直入に幸輝さんにとってTOMODACHIとはどのような存在ですか?
Q2 なるほど、幸輝さんがとても温かいコミュニティーにいるのが伝わってきます。そのコミュニティーに入る前は、幸輝さんの地元は浪江町で震災当時から避難を経験したり、大変なことがたくさんあったと思います。そのような心境の中でもTOMODACHIのプログラムに参加しようと思ったきっかけはなんですか?
Q3 卒業後も地元のコミュニティーが続いていることはすばらしいですね。人脈が繋がっているという点で、幸輝さんは2014年以降TOMODACHIのコミュニティーに入って様々なプログラムに参加されたと思いますが、活動する上でどのような人との出会いがありましたか?
Q4 なるほど、「親友が沢山できた」という表現はとてもわかりやすいですね。私も実際にそう感じます。ところで幸輝さんは大学卒業後に地元の建設会社に就職されたと思いますが、そのきっかけはなんですか?
Q5 地元に帰りたいという気持ちに加えて基礎を作りたいという気持ちなどやりたいことを考える上で、幸輝さんがこれから浪江町と共に歩む中で実際に起こしたいアクションはありますか?
Q6 確かに「楽しく生きること」は生きる上で私も重要だと考えています。その中で、環境づくりなど考えていることが沢山あると思いますが、幸輝さん自身が思う浪江町の将来像はありますか?
Q7 なるほど、自分らしく生きることは生涯大事になってくることですよね。幸輝さんが自分の中で沢山のことを考える中で、幸輝さんがTOMODACHIで学んだリーダーシップはなんですか?
Q8 私も幸輝さんの考えに共感できます。それでは最後の質問になりますが、幸輝さんはこれからの浪江町にどのように携わりたいと思っていますか?
Q1. You have been very active as a TOMODACHI alumnus since 2014. First of all, what does TOMODACHI mean to you?
The friends I made through the TOMODACHI program are my true friends. I also have older supporters around me who are willing to support me to do what I want to do. When I opened my bar, a friend of mine who I met through the TOMODACHI program designed a logo for me. TOMODACHI means the bonds of friendship that can support the people within a community.
Q2. When the earthquake hit your hometown, Namie, you have faced lots of difficulties such as finding a safe place to live. While experiencing hardships, what motivated you to participate in the TOMODACHI program?
At that time, I was a very negative kid as I was a victim of a disaster. I was not able to open my heart to anyone. One day, my teacher introduced me to TOMODACHI and suggested I join. I decided to participate thanks to him and I feel like it was a destiny to encounter TOMODACHI. When I opened my bar in 2020, I was interviewed by NHK and appeared on TV. I was very glad that my teacher called me when he saw it.
Q3. After your initial program in 2014, you have participated in many alumni programs. What kind of people have you met through your activities?
The connections I made through TOMODACHI created further connections at other occasions. As I said earlier, the friends I made through TOMODACHI are my best friends. The luck brought more luck and each was tied to the next connection. For example, one of my best friends in TOMODACHI introduced me to a person who could be my mentor. Now, in Namie, there is another TOMODACHI alumnus besides me. I am sure that having two alumni in the same town will bring about a bright future.
Q4. After graduating from university, you found a job at the local construction company in Namie. Why did you decide to work there?
I wanted to return to my hometown and was looking for a job opportunity there. In fact, my family owns a construction company and I was hired there. The reason I decided to work there is because I wanted to create something by myself. I wanted to create a base for Namie and build up something afterwards by myself as well.
Q5. What do you hope to do with your company in Namie in the future?
I have been thinking about “how the people of my generation can live in Namie with joy.” I really want to create an environment where young people can live comfortably.
Q6. What do you see for the future of Namie?
I want to emphasize “living as who you are in Namie.” At this moment, it is difficult to eat out and go for a drink whenever you want. Thus, first, I want to create an environment where people can live as who they are and I want everyone to believe that it is possible to live as who they are.
Q7. What did you learn about leadership from the TOMODACHI program?
To me, not everyone has the same kind of leadership. Leadership for me is the ability to think of the possibilities in order to realize what you want to do and implement it with thinking what kind of means you take. I think what I learned from TOMODACHI is the first step of the whole leadership lessons.
Q8. How do you want to get involved in the future of Namie?
What is important for me is whether young people can do freely what they want. If they suggest something interesting, I think others will think the same thing. From an adult’s point of view, it might not be interesting but the ability to realize those suggestions will be the key. Even though 80% of people are against it, I still think it is important to listen to those 20% and how we make something happen among them.