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Writer's pictureTOMODACHI Initiative Alumni

Featured Alumni : Tomoa Nozawa

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

Interview date: October 16th 2019


Tomoa Nozawa is one of the speakers at the 2019 TOMODACHI Generation Summit. Check out her interview below!

Interview with Tomoa Nozawa,

TOMO Voices Speaker at the 2019 TOMODACHI Generation Summit

Tomoa Nozawa

Tomoa Nozawa works for C4 Capital for New Commons, a non-profit impact investing intermediary platform. During university, she volunteered in Malawi to support fundraising efforts of an NGO focusing on raising awareness of HIV/AIDS in the region. Back in Japan, she participated in the US Embassy-Keio SFC-TOMODACHI Entrepreneurship Seminar with friends and established a student group called Genesis to address sexual violence in Japan.

Wanting to address the issue of sexual violence in college campuses, Tomoa Nozawa established the student group called Genesis with her friends after participating in the TOMODACHI Program. She narrowed down into the question of why sexual violence happens and aimed to solve it by creating more awareness. Through Genesis, she has developed and facilitated many workshops for students, youth, and even corporate executives, and made movies to address the importance of sexual consent and shared it through various social media sites, eventually gaining the interest from broadcast and print media. Her advice to the audience was to remember the importance of raising one's voice and to find allies to fight against issues to better the world.

Q: Can you share with us some behind-the-scenes stories while you were prepping for the TOMO Voices?

When I received the opportunity to speak as one of four TOMO Voices speakers at the Summit, I looked at what we did over the past year with Genesis, and it was a lot. At first, I didn’t know what to talk about and it took me a whole month to prepare the speech. We had a prep session a day before the Summit with Mr. Patrick Newell, Co-Founder of TEDxTokyo, and gave me a lot of hard-hitting advice. He saw my speech and said that I should change the whole presentation.

Q: Really? Why?

It was because my slides were totally in a Japanese style. I had lots of text in each slide with not enough visual content. He said that I should make my slides more dramatic and reduce the texts in each slide to deliver my message in a better way. After the session, I went to home and revised all of my slides and changed whole presentation overnight with less than 7 hours to go. I was so nervous but I think I did okay.

Q: You completely changed it within a night? Wow. But you were lucky to have someone who can advise you, otherwise you would end up making your speech with the slides without having the opportunity to improve it.

Definitely. I have learned a lot of skills to make my presentations look more dramatic and attractive to the audience, which was also a huge plus to be able to attend his session.

Q: Yes, I saw your slides with some pictures. You put one key word in each slide, which made your presentation easy to understand.

Yes, so the audience could remember what I was talking about. In addition, I was able to get to know other TOMODACHI alumni through this Summit. They are all so inspiring to me. They were all very passionate about their topic and how to tackle their issues. I remember one alumni in particular, Shigetatsu Nishigai - he was so passionate about how to reconstruct Tohoku. When the Great East Japan earthquake attacked Tohoku on March 11th 2011, tsunami destroyed the farming lands by the sea water. He wanted to learn how to solve the issue in Tohoku where he grew up and decided to study advanced technologies and research in the United States, which was very inspiring to me. He is now in back in Japan researching at a lab in Kyoto University. It was nice to get to know some future alumni who will definitely be leaders.

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? And how would you use it in relation to your topic?

I would change the adult perception in Japan towards sex education and sexual violence. We realized through the activities that when you get old, it’s hard to accept your mistakes, faults and misbehaviors in your daily lives. If I can erase that kind of memories, it’d be helpful. We need to provide children with proper sex education - that is necessary for everyone. Parents shouldn’t think that this is shameful.

Q: I agree with you. I think adult have a pride and that is a burden for them.

Exactly. They feel embarrassed when they are pointed out. That’s why I hope to change their mindset if I can use that superpower.

Q: How do you think your topic will change in the next 5 to 10 years?

I think after ten years, our generation will become mothers and fathers perhaps, and have children or babies and we can educate them in our own way. Also we will have better literacy on sex education by then. I think more and more people will have access to proper sex education through social media or workshops without being dependant on their parents for that information. So I think people’s mindset towards sex education will change definitely in ten years, but I don’t think after ten years, the sex education at the governmental level will change as much because people in those position are still very conservative about changing policies and introducing practical sex education into the overarching Japanese education system. In the grassroots level and people-to-people level, I think the perception can change.

Also this year, we had the lowest birthrate percentage in Japan. I think the government will take it very seriously, and they will look at the reason why we don’t have babies. I believe that one of the reasons is sex education because people don’t know about their body in general, especially women. When they want to have babies in their late 30s or early 40s, they realize that they have some issues with their bodies like with their womb or hormone levels, but we don’t know it! Because we aren’t taught about it. We are also not active enough to search for the information about our bodies and how it works. I think the government will realize it finally in ten years.

Q: I hope so too. At the same time, I hope the government can introduce more policies to support working mothers. It’s good to encourage women to work outside of their home but it’s really hard to do both: to work and taking care of children.

Yes, also for men too. Some men want to take a parental leave but some companies pressure them to continue working and they can’t get promoted when they do take parental leave. That is crazy. I hope this mindset will change in the next 5-10 years.

Q: Ok, thank you for your time for this interview!

Thank you for featuring me. If anyone is interested in this topic, I’d love to talk further about this, so please contact me!

TOMODACHI世代サミット2019でのTOMO Voicesスピーカー、野澤知亜氏にインタビュー!



Q. TOMO Voicesの準備をしている際の裏話があれば教えていただけますか?

サミットにおいて、TOMO Voicesの4名のスピーカーのうちの一人として話す機会を得たとき、Genesisとしての過去一年分の活動を振り返りました。たくさんの出来事があったので最初は何を話そうか迷ったのですが、一か月をかけてスピーチの準備に取り掛かりました。サミットの前日にはTEDxTokyoの共同設立者であるパトリック・ニュウエル氏との事前準備があったのですが、そこでとても厳しいアドバイスをいただきました。彼は、私のスピーチを見た後、プレゼンテーションを全体的に変えるべきだと言ったのです。

Q. えっ、なぜですか?


Q. 一晩のうちに全てを作り直したのですか?それは大変だったと思います。でも、アドバイスをいただけてよかったですね。でないと改善しないままプレゼンテーションを行っていたでしょうから・・・


Q. 私も客席から見ていましたが、確かに一枚のスライドに一つのキーワードが書かれているのが印象的でした。見ている側は、話をより理解できました。



Q. では次の質問です。もし超能力が使えるとしたら、どんなものでしょうか?それをあなたの課題に対してどのように使用したいですか?


Q. 私も同感です。大人にはプライドがあって、それが妨げになっていると思うのですが。


Q. 今後5年から10年の間に、あなたの課題はどのように変化していると思いますか?



Q. 同感です。それに、政府には働く女性をサポートするためのより多くの政策を導入してほしいですね。女性に家の外で働くことを奨励するのはいいことですが、子供を育てながら働くのは非常に大変ですから。


Q. 今日は、インタビューにお越しいただきありがとうございました。


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